JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – “Sad Eyes” merupakan lagu berbahasa Spanyol yang dibawakan oleh penyanyi berkebangsaan Spanyol, Enrique Iglesias.
Lagu berdurasi 4,09 menit itu terdapat di album Enrique Iglesias bertajuk Enrique yang dirilis pada 1999 silam.
Berikut lirik dan chord lagu “Sad Eyes” yang dinyanyikan oleh Enrique Iglesias:
Baca juga: Lirik dan Chord Lagu Space in My Heart - Enrique Iglesias
| Ab Bb |
Eb Ab Bb Cm Ab Bb Eb
Aye-aye-yeah, mmh-oh-oh, oh-yeah-yeah, oh-yeah-yeah,
Ab Bb Cm Ab
oh-yeah-yeah, oh-yeah-yeah.
[Verse 1]
Bb Eb Ab
Every day and you come walking,
Bb Cm Ab
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking.
Bb Eb Ab
You say you're happy and you're doing fine,
Bb Cm
well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time.
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Ab
Because sad eyes never lie, because sad eyes never lie.
[Verse 2]
Bb Eb Ab
Well for a while I've been watching you steady,
Bb Cm Ab
ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready.
Bb Eb
You show up and then you shy away,
Ab Bb Cm
but I know pretty soon you'll be walking this way.
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm AB
Because sad eyes never lie, because sad eyes never lie.
Bb Cm Ab Bb Cm
Baby don't you know I don't care, don't you know that I have been there.
Ab Bb Cm Ab
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind,
Bb Cm Ab
don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind.
Bb Cm Ab
I know you think you'd never be mine,
Bb Cm Ab
well that's OK, baby, I don't mind.
Bb Cm Ab
That shy smile's sweet, that's a fact,
Bb Cm Ab
go ahead, I don't mind the act.
Bb Eb
You come all dressed up for a date,
Ab Bb Cm Ab
well one more step and it'll be too late.
Bb Eb
Blue, blue ribbon in your hair,
Ab Bb Cm
like you're so sure I'll be standing there.
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm
I guess sad eyes never lie, I guess sad eyes never lie.
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb
I guess sad eyes never lie, I guess sad eyes never lie.
Never lie.
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm
Aye-aye-aye, aye-aye-aye, oh-aye-yeah-yeah
Abmaj7 Bb6 Eb Cm Eb
Aye-aye-aye, aye-aye-aye, oh-aye-yeah-yeah
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