JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Penyanyi asal Islandia, Bjork membawakan lagu berjudul “Saint” pada 2019.
Lagu berdurasi 4,42 menit itu terdapat di album milik Bjork berjudul Utopia.
Berikut lirik dan chord lagu “Saint” yang dinyanyikan oleh Bjork:
Baca juga: Lirik dan Chord I Remember You - Bjork
[Verse 1]
F Bb
She always knows when people need stroking
C Bb
And is attracted to deathbeds and divorces
F Bb
I dreamt she cared for my dying grandfather
C Bb
Lying naked face down on his bed
[Verse 2]
F Bb
She insists on total presence
C Bb
And knows how to get through to the rest of us
F Bb
She has entered me thousandfold often
C Bb
And undone knots at my most awkward
[Refrain 1]
F F Bb F
Music, music loves too
[Verse 3]
F Bb
She reaches out to orphans and refugees
C Bb
Embraces them with thermal blankets
F Bb
Her favourite childhood moments
C Bb
Were at a hospital for the disabled
[Verse 4]
F Bb
I've seen her offer empathy to widows
C Bb
She attends funerals of strangers
F Bb
Her strongest memory
C Bb
Is feeding children with leprosy
[Refrain 2]
Music heals too
I'm here to defend it
F F F Bb F
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